
Monday Morning Offering PLUS: September 30

Image: George Mendoza

As time goes by I hear from more and more readers who come to this page for prayer and reflection, for some peaceful time with the Lord...

As I've mentioned before, sometimes my posts come right from my own prayer and sometimes they come from the people and situations I meet in my ministry as a pastor.  I'm delighted when readers write to tell me, "It seemed like you wrote today's prayer just for me - it was just what I needed!"  When this happens I bow to the Holy Spirit who works in mysterious ways and I praise God from whom all blessings flow!

I'm also grateful for those who have shared with me how coming to this page has introduced or reintroduced for them the custom of making time to pray on a daily basis.  Some folks read my daily prayer when it's posted the night before, some begin their day with it and others stop midday or later to "pause for prayer."

Many of you have also told me of how often you print out or forward my prayer posts to others and I'm grateful for your sharing in spreading the word and inviting others to join us in our conversation with the Lord.

Everything I post here on my blog is also posted on my Face Book page and my Twitter account and I'm very grateful for all your "shares" and "retweets" in those other venues of social media.

So for a change, today's Monday Morning Offering is written in the plural with the hope that we might join together and pray for one another, for all who visit this cyber-chapel for prayer each day...

Audio for Monday Morning Offering

Good morning, good God!

We offer you the joys of all
who will today find help, a friend, a cure,
some work, some rest and time to share a laugh...

We offer you the heavy hearts
of those bent low by sorrow, grief, loss and tears:
the hearts of all who weep today and call upon your name...

We offer you the peace of those
who will this day find healing, hope and trust in you,
a deeper faith and mercy and forgiveness

We offer you the wounded hearts
of those who've lost so much in love, in war, in life:
in promises not kept and now long broken...

We offer you the faith of hearts
who reach out for your hand when strength for reaching's gone,
when hunger for your touch is all there is...

We offer you the hope of hearts
who seek your peace when peace is nowhere to be found,
who seek your light when darkness clouds their thoughts...

We offer you the love of hearts
remembering better days, who trust you'll come again
and keep your word of promised peace...

We offer you the hearts of all who gather here for prayer:
receive and bless and heal with grace
our joyful, sorrowed souls and all our deeds this day...

Such is our Monday Morning Offering, Lord:
keep us faithful to the time we need for prayer
and gentle with all whose paths cross ours today...


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